Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A Resource for Developing Positive Habits to Boost Your Golf Improvement ---

The effective practice of mental golf is all about developing and using positive mental habits. This is the foundation that helps to optimize your physical game and your overall golf improvement and leads to the enjoyment of many more positive golf experiences. Learning about positive mental skills, like focus and self-belief, is one thing but actually turning them into habits is another thing. It can really help to have some tips, guidance, and tools to help you get started and stick with it. In the course of improving this practice for myself, I have found out about this really great program that can help you get into the "swing" of practicing positive habits. It's called "The Power of Positive Habits" and what it is is a really practical, easy-to-use, interactive personal development program that helps you learn to identify negative thoughts, habits, and routines and replace them with positive, thoughts, habits, and routines. This will help you get the hang of developing mental skills and habits that can make a huge difference in your success with golf improvement and other aspects of life. The program includes an e-book, an audio program, and an interactive PC software program, all for a very reasonable price and lots of really impressive bonuses. While some of the personal development products can be impractical, this one really is practical and real-life. I am including it as a Positive Golf resource because I know it can really make a difference to have help in getting over that "hump" of identifying and making changes. And remember - a lot of the positive mental skills that are considered helpful for life in general are really helpful to learn and master in your progress toward positive change in your golf game. So, see what you think about "The Power of Positive Habits"...

Here's to great golf!

Rick Semple

Positive Golfer


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