Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Pick Your Positive Habits for Golf Improvement in 2008 ---

Positive mental habits are a fundamental aspect of enjoying more Positive Golf experiences. These positive habits go way beyond the practice of "thinking positively." They are more focused and specific, which helps them to be more powerful and effective in making your golf improvement a success. There is a wide array of these positive habits, ranging from reducing self-doubt and pressure on yourself to improving your focus and expectations. The most accomplished golfers practice many of these habits concurrently as a whole "mental package," not just one or two. That's the key to success, a "varied portfolio," if you will. At any one time, however, those more accomplished in mental golf habits may be giving particular attention and practice to one or two of these skills to strengthen and develop them even more. The Positive Golf Kudos I have posted in this blog throughout the year give examples of how some of the pros do this. On the other hand, those new to the deliberate practice of mental golf habits may also choose to give particular attention and practice to one or two of these skills at a time so they can strengthen their mindset in a stepwise fashion without feeling overwhelmed.

At TheHeartofGolf.com, my wife an I are continuing to develop and strengthen our "portfolios" of positive mental habits. While we have been aware of their value to Positive Golf experiences and have practiced some of them for several years, we are continuing in our "growth mode" to add new mental skills and strengthen the ones we have already started to build. To that end, we have each chosen one primary positive mental habit to give particular focus to this year (while continuing to practice the others). I have listed our choices below, and will provide updates related to developments in our practice and the related Positive Golf experiences that occur throughout the year.

Rick's Primary Positive Mental Habit for Practice in 2008:

Improve Golf Self-Image - Golf self-image is how you really view yourself, deep down, as a golfer. You might not be totally aware of how you view yourself, but it has a definite impact on your game nonetheless. It slips out in what seem like "subtle" ways, but believe me, it affects you. You might say or think things like, "I'm a lousy putter," or "my short game stinks," or "I"m an okay golfer," and that's what tends to "outpicture" for you. For me, I know I played on the golf team in college, won some championships, and had other accomplishments over the years, but deep down right now I don't have a consistently strong golf self-image. I'll catch myself thinking, "I'm not playing as well as I should," or "I'll never play as good as that guy," or "I'm not good enough to win that championship again," and that is what comes to pass. So, this year, I am going to practice developing and maintaining a positive, strong golf self-image (which will help improve other mental habits like self-doubt and putting pressure on myself). Maybe this mental golf habit sounds familiar to you too. I"ll be passing along tips and tools that help to improve this mental skill and lead to improvement in my game.

Christy's Primary Positive Mental Habit for Practice in 2008:

Improve Golf Self-Talk - Golf self-talk is that "inner dialogue" or "inner conversation" that goes on in your mind when you are playing and practicing. Sometimes, it is verbal too, when you say something out loud to yourself. When she started paying more attention to this mental skill, my wife was surprised to realize she had the habit of negative self-talk, with phrases frequently popping up in her mind like, "I'm not very coordinated," "I can't ever get the right tempo," or "I'll never fix this swing problem." Sometimes she would say these things out loud. Christy has realized that she is talking herself into negative outcomes with this kind of self-talk, and thereby limiting her improvement. Even as a motivational trainer that helps others, this is a deeply ingrained habit that she is working on with herself. This year, she has chosen to give particular attention and consistent practice to changing and improving this mental skill so it helps her rather than hinders her.

I encourage you to pick a mental habit for your golf improvement in 2008 as well. Our soon-to-be published Positive Golf Handbook can help you in choosing and practicing these habits for improvement. It's packed with pointers, checklists, and worksheets that you can use to practice positive mental skills on and off the course, and make changes that will transform your game. More details coming soon!

Here's to great golf in 2008!

Rick Semple
Positive Golfer
Co-Founder, TheHeartofGolf.com

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